Mons pubis correction

Mons pubis correction in Zurich

The mons pubis, also called the mons veneris, comprises the front area of the female genital area, which forms the optical triangle. This extends from the groin to the upper pubic hairline. Downward, the mound merges with the labia minora and labia majora.

By nature, the mons pubis is covered by hair, but this is less and less the case nowadays due to the increasing popularity of intimate shaving. The mons pubis is naturally an area slightly padded by the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which also serves to protect the pubic bone. Due to the increasing lack of pubic hair, excessive fat deposits or sagging of the mons pubis are more easily visible.

Causes of sagging of the mons pubis

An excessively large mons pubis can have causes such as obesity, pregnancy, or other hormonal fluctuations that cause the tissue to swell. With age or after pregnancy, the fatty tissue on the mons veneris may decrease, causing the tissue to sag and droop. Both types of abnormality are often considered bothersome. This can be counteracted in intimate surgery with minor procedures.

At a Glance

Type of anesthesia: local or general anesthesia

Procedure duration (operation time): 1 to 1.5 hours

Hospital stay: outpatient

Aftercare: local cooling and inserts, self-dissolving stitches

Fit for social life: after approx. 2-3 days

Fit for work: after approx. 3-4 days (depending on physical strain)

Rest period: approx. 4 weeks

Cost: from 5.000 CHF

How is the pubic mound correction surgery performed in our clinic?

The surgical procedure of pubic mound correction is usually performed on an outpatient basis and with local anesthesia. However, at the patient’s request, the surgery can be performed under general anesthesia. The procedure of aesthetic intimate surgery does not require hospitalization. During this surgical procedure, excess tissue is removed. This is done for a mons veneris correction either by liposuction of excess fatty tissue or for an intimate correction in the form of a tightening by excision of excess skin. Often, not only is excess skin removed during a pubic mound lift, but this procedure is also required afterwards for correction by liposuction to achieve a better result.

What are the risks of pubic mound correction?

After pubic mound correction, undesirable incidents such as complications are very rare. In isolated cases, secondary bleeding or infection may occur within the first few days after surgery. Swelling or skin bleeding is also possible several days after the treatment. However, they occur only temporarily. Due to the sensitive areas of the body treated during intimate surgery, minor residual swelling may persist for several weeks until it completely subsides.


The correction of the pubic mound is followed by a rest period of six weeks. In addition, sports or physical exertion should be avoided during this time in order to prevent heavy sweating and friction. Therefore, rooms with high humidity such as saunas or spas as well as bathing should be avoided. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided during this period.

The use of absorbable sutures in intimate surgery eliminates the need for stitches after pubic mound lift or correction. Showering is allowed from the second day after the treatment, but the use of soap in the intimate area should be avoided. During the first ten days after intimate surgery, care should be taken not to exert too much friction on the freshly operated intimate area when drying with a towel after showering.

How much does a pubic mound correction cost at clinic utoquai?

In aesthetic intimate surgery, the cost of pubic mound correction depends on individual factors. The costs vary depending on the patient, the condition of the skin, the tissue and the distribution of fat, as well as the additional procedures required (such as excision of excess skin after liposuction). Already in a consultation before the surgery, all costs for the procedure, anesthesia and stay are discussed with the patient, so that no unexpected costs arise.

The costs are usually not covered by health insurance companies, since the procedure is usually not medically necessary, but is performed for aesthetic reasons.

Cost: from 5.000 CHF

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