Karisma filler


With bio-replenishing soft filler against wrinkles

Unfortunately, we cannot stop the ageing process or the development of wrinkles. However, there are effective treatment options. This includes Karisma, a filler consisting of hyaluronic acid-based, natural ingredients.

At the utoquai clinic, we use the Karisma filler to rejuvenate the face in a gentle and natural way. Through targeted injections, the filler can even out wrinkles, lines and loss of volume in the cheeks, lips, nose and eyes.

At a Glance

Medical term: Karisma filler

Type of anaesthesia: none or anaesthetic cream

Duration of the procedure: 15–30 minutes

Clinic stay: outpatient

Aftercare: local cooling

Back to public: immediately

Back to work: immediately

Recovery period: none

What is the Karisma filler and how does it work?

Karisma filler is a bio-replenishing soft filler that contains hyaluronic acid, a substance that is also naturally found in the human body. This substance binds moisture to provide more volume and elasticity in the skin. The filler is injected for aesthetic treatment of wrinkles and loss of volume in the face.

Am I a good candidate for the treatment?

If you are looking for an effective treatment option for wrinkles and want to rely on a natural solution, the Karisma bio-replenishing soft filler is a safe method and alternative to traditional fillers. It is suitable for treating fine lines and sagging skin areas and for levelling out volume loss. Superficial scars can also be lightened. We would be happy to discuss whether the Karisma filler is a good option for you during a personal consultation.


Ideally, you should refrain from taking blood thinners for a few days before the injection. You should show up for the treatment without make-up.

Depending on the location and the patient’s individual wishes, the treatment usually takes 15 to 30 minutes. An anaesthetic is usually not necessary. Upon request, we can apply an anaesthetic cream.

The area to be treated is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Then we inject the filler under the skin using a fine needle to fill in wrinkles and tighten the skin.

What is the aftercare like following treatment with the Karisma filler?

Normally, you will be able to resume your social and work activities immediately after the treatment; you do not usually have to expect any downtime. For the best possible result, we recommend cooling the treatment area. This can usually reduce swelling and pain. It is also important to avoid exercising and heavy lifting on the treatment day and to protect the treatment area from direct sunlight in the near future.


The cost of treatment with the Karisma filler depends on the patient’s wishes and the amount of work involved. We can provide you with detailed information during a personal consultation.

Potential risks of the Karisma filler

Generally, the Karisma filler injection is a low-risk treatment. Nevertheless, side effects cannot be completely ruled out. Redness, swelling or slight pain at the injection site are possible. However, these symptoms should subside within a few days. As the ingredients are naturally occurring in the skin, the risk of intolerance or allergic reactions is low.

FAQ – frequently asked questions about Karisma filler

What is the Karisma filler?

Karisma is an injectable filler that is used to reduce wrinkles on the face and restore volume. This makes the skin appear firmer and smoother again.

How long do the results of the Karisma filler last?

The duration of the results depends on various factors, such as the treatment area and the patient’s age and metabolism. Generally, the effect lasts between 6 and 12 months.

Is the Karisma filler painful?

The injection of the filler is usually painless. Upon request, we can apply an anaesthetic cream.

Is treatment with the Karisma filler safe?

Karisma is considered a safe and effective alternative to traditional fillers. As it contains hyaluronic acid-based ingredients, the risk of intolerances and allergies is low.

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